Sha'arei HaYichud VehaEmunah, Shklov 1820 – First and...

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Sha’arei HaYichud VehaEmunah, Shklov 1820 – First and Rare Edition!

Sha’arei HaYichud VehaEmunah a profound commentary on the "Sha’ar HaYichud VehaEmunah" section of the Sefer Tanya, by R. Aharon HaLevi of Strashelye, the eminent talmid of the Baal HaTanya, based on the teachings he received directly from his Rebbe. Printed in Shklov, 1820 –
this is the first edition and exceptionally rare.

The sefer is filled with numerous explanations that Rav Aharon heard from the Baal HaTanya, as he repeatedly mentions in several places, "..
I did not invent these from my own heart, chas v’shalom, but rather they are received from my holy Rebbe, whose holy words entered my ears.."

The holy Gaon, Rav Aharon HaLevi Horowitz of Strashelye (1766–1829), was a devoted talmid of the Baal HaTanya for thirty years. When the Rebbe was arrested and taken to Petersburg, Rav Aharon accompanied him and lived nearby for eight years, raising 60,000 rubles for his release. Rav Aharon developed his own unique approach to the teachings of the Baal HaTanya, distinct from other Chabad Rebbes. He saw himself as the true successor to the Baal HaTanya and led his own chassidic court and followers as a Rebbe, parallel to the Baal HaTanya’s son, the Mitteler Rebbe, Rav Dov Ber. His niggunim and seforim are still cherished in Lubavitch communities today. At the end of his life, Rav Aharon was imprisoned due to false accusations and passed away shortly thereafter. Among his seforim are Sha’ar HaYichud VehaEmunah, Sha’ar HaTefillah, Sha’ar HaAvodah, and others. For more on Rav Aharon’s greatness and approach, see Beis Rebbe (p. 195 and onward).

"..The sharp and knowledgeable in both Nigleh and Nistar, an ever-flowing wellspring, the distinguished Rav Aharon HaLevi..
the foremost among the talmidim of our great Rebbe… Rav Shneur Zalman [of Liadi], who served him faithfully for thirty years and never ceased to endear him, revealing to him all the hidden wisdoms, with no secrets kept from him, and all that was concealed became revealed to him.." (Title Page).

Sifrei Chassidus #582

[18], 4, 4, 9-56, 60, 52, 44, [2], 28, [4] pages. Good condition, irregular pagination, tear on the title page, minor stains and wear, greenish paper.