The Shas of Maran, Posek HaDor, Rabbi Shmuel...

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Start price: $3,000

Buyer's premium: 25%

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The Shas of Maran, Posek HaDor, Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner, zt”l – Toiling in Torah!

A full set of Talmud Bavli, gifted to Maran Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner, Baal Shevet HaLevi, by his talmid, Yeshaya Eliezer Wiesel. This Shas was used by Maran for his learning and in-depth study. It was printed in 1995 (Tashnun Hey), and it appears that it was given to Maran that same year and was in his use for about 20 years, until his passing.

The seforim bear the stamp: "Estate of our great Rebbe, Maran Baal Shevet HaLevi, zt"l v’ztz"l."

This Shas remained at Maran’s home, right beside his table, and was used extensively for his learning and Torah study. Throughout the Shas, there are numerous folded corners, which Maran used as markers, seemingly for his shiurim and when writing his responsa. These volumes reflect the Torah diligence of the great Amud HaHora’ah, upon whom Klal Yisrael relied for their halachic guidance.

A photograph of Baal Shevet HaLevi in his home is attached, where you can see this very Shas behind him!

Maran, Posek HaDor, Rabbi Shmuel Halevi Wosner, Baal Shevet HaLevi (1913–2015), was among the greatest poskim of the last generation. He was born in Vienna and in 1931 began learning at the Yeshiva of the Gaon, Rabbi Meir Shapiro of Lublin, becoming a close talmid of Rabbi Shmuel Zalichover. In 1937, he married the daughter of Rabbi Mordechai Gelber of Pressburg and received semicha from the Gaon Rabbi Akiva Sofer, Baal Daas Sofer, and Rabbi Dovid Weseli, Av Beis Din of Pressburg.

In 1939, he made aliyah to Eretz Yisrael, living briefly in Tel Aviv and later in Yerushalayim, where he was close to Rabbi Tzvi Pesach Frank and Rabbi Shimon Aharon Polanski, Av Beis Din of Teplik. In 1943, he was appointed dayan and Rav of the Geulah neighborhood under the Edah HaChareidis. In 1947, he was appointed by the Chazon Ish as the Rav of Zichron Meir in Bnei Brak. There, he established the renowned Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin, and most of the poskim of our generation were his talmidim. He taught Torah to thousands, and many halachic decisions of our times were rendered based on his rulings. His works include Shevet HaLevi on Shut, Derashos for the Moadim, and more.

Complete set, in very good condition.