"Alshich HaKadosh" – Maros HaTzov'os, Venice 1603-06, First...

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"Alshich HaKadosh" – Maros HaTzov’os, Venice 1603-06, First Edition – Signature of the "Magen Shaul" from Salonika

Maros HaTzov’os, deep explanations and discourses on Nevi’im Rishonim and Acharonim, by the Alshich HaKadosh, Venice 1603-06 – first edition.

On the last page, there is a signature: ".. this book is mine, I bought it for the service of my Creator… Chananya son of R’ Yaakov Shaul, ZL" – apparently, this is the signature of the renowned Gaon Rabbi Chananya Shaul from Salonika, author of "Magen Shaul".

The renowned Gaon Rabbi Chananya Shaul (1658-1728), one of the greats of Salonika, was the distinguished student of Rabbi Chaim Avraham Gatineyo, author of "Tirat Kesef". Despite his young age, the great rabbis of his generation, including Rabbi Yosef David, Av Beis Din of Salonika and author of "Beit David", turned to him for halachic rulings. He passed away at a young age from a plague. He left behind many manuscripts, among them the responsa "Magen Shaul".

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Anyone who studies it, the Alshich saves him.
It is known from Rabbi Yitzchak of Pozna, the Rebbe of the Magen Avraham, who heard from his Rebbe that during the decrees of 1648-49, there was a Jew who constantly studied the Alshich’s works. During the turmoil, the Alshich came to save him because he was engrossed in his sefer (see sources for this wondrous event in the Shem HaGedolim, under his entry).

The divine Kabbalist, Rebbe Moshe Alshich (1508-1593 approx.), one of the greats of Tzfat, received semicha from Maran HaBeis Yosef. He was close to the Arizal, who instructed him that his mission in this gilgul was to delve deeply into derush, and said about him, "he aligns with the truth in his discourses.." and not to engage in Kabbalah, as he had already completed that in previous gilgul (Shevet Musar, ch. 23). He was the Rebbe of Rabbi Chaim Vital in Niaglah and even gave him semicha (the Chida in Birkei Yosef, Choshen Mishpat 1:7 writes that he saw the handwritten semicha document).

There is a wondrous story about the Alshich. He was giving a derasha on Shabbos Kodesh about the deceit of Lavan HaArami. The Arizal entered the derasha, and suddenly they saw him laughing. When the Alshich asked why he laughed, he replied that from Shamayim they brought Lavan to hear your derasha on all his deceit. When you mentioned a hundred deceits, Lavan laughed, for that particular deceit had not occurred to him!

Sifrei Yesod no. 18

58, 62, 67 – 144 leaves, very good condition, minor stains, divided into two volumes.