The Siddur Soaked in Tears of Kedusha –...

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Start price: $30,000

Buyer's premium: 25%

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The Siddur Soaked in Tears of Kedusha – Used by the Holy Rebbe of Ribnitz Zy”a

The Siddur Korban Asher – In Which the Renowned Tzaddik and Miracle Worker, the Holy Rebbe, Rabbi Chaim Zanvil of Ribnitz, Zy”a, Poured Out His Heart Before Hashem in His Later Years.

The Korban Asher Siddur, printed in large, clear letters, in 1984, by Rabbi Anshel Krausz, Admor of Ratzfert.

This siddur was specially selected for the Rebbe, as in his advanced age, his eyesight weakened, making it difficult for him to daven from the smaller letters of the Yaavetz Siddur that he had used for many years.

There is a dedication on the page before the title page: "
B’Siyata D’Shmaya, Shlomo Nachum ben Breinah and his wife, for their children and all their descendants, and for success in all matters."

This siddur, which the Rebbe of Ribnitz davened from in his later years, beginning in the mid-1980s, was given to him as a gift by the distinguished chossid,
Rabbi Shlomo Nachum ben Breinah Saphir of Boro Park, a leading supporter of the Rebbe during those years. He was known for sending financial support weekly, earning the nickname "Shlomo Nochum’s gelt."

Included with the siddur is
a signed certificate from the Rebbe’s son-in-law and daughter, attesting that the holy Rebbe davened and poured out his heart in this very siddur during his final years.

To this day, this siddur retains the Rebbe’s holy tears, which soaked the pages and brought blessings and salvation to all of Klal Yisrael. There is no doubt that this siddur remains infused with the kedusha of those awe-inspiring tefillos, through which he brought about yeshuos and refuos for Klal Yisrael.