"For Merit and Supreme Protection for Him and...

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Start price: $1,000

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"For Merit and Supreme Protection for Him and His Offspring" – Or HaGanuz and V’Zos LiYehudah, Lemberg 1866 – First Edition

Or HaGanuz, chiddushim on the Torah following the path of sod (mysticism), exploring how everything flows from the Name of Hashem, along with ‘V’Zos LiYehudah’, insights on the Mishnah in the way of sod, by the holy gaon Rabbi Yehudah Leib HaKohen of Annipoli, a disciple of the Maggid of Mezritch, and one of the "approving signatories" (Sar HaMaskim) of the Sefer HaTanya, Lemberg 1866 – first edition.

This sacred sefer was published with the encouragement of the great tzaddik, Rabbi Aharon of Karlin, the Beis Aharon, zy”a.

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"For Merit and Supreme Protection for Him and His Offspring"
In his approbation to this sefer, the holy Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobyl offers a timeless blessing: ".
..Let each person acquire this holy sefer for themselves, as a merit and supreme protection for them and their offspring for generations to come." His holy sons, Rabbi Aharon of Chernobyl, Rabbi Avraham of Trisk, and Rabbi Dovid of Tolna, add their words of praise: "…we trust in our holy father’s words, that
these holy seforim will serve as protection for whoever acquires them, for them and their descendants." There is also a rare haskamah from the Tzemach Tzedek of Lubavitch, zy”a, as well as from Maran the Divrei Chaim of Sanz, and the Chiddushei HaRim of Ger, zy”a.

The holy author, Rabbi Yehudah Leib of Annipoli (passed away 1807), was a tzaddik and exalted kodosh, a close disciple of the Maggid of Mezritch. It is told that when the Maggid passed away, he said to Rabbi Yehudah Leib, "You will also be in my chamber." The Alter Rebbe, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, the Baal HaTanya, sought his endorsement for the Tanya (along with Rebbe Reb Zusha of Anipoli), where he is described as "the renowned and G-dly chassidic master, a kodosh." The Alter Rebbe referred to him as "the beloved of his soul." Among his works are Or HaGanuz, V’Zos LiYehudah, and Shevet MiYehudah.

Chassidic Seforim No. 21

In very good condition, original binding, loose and slightly damaged.