Sefer Ohel David on Yuma, Sukah with Handwritten...

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Start price: $800

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Sefer Ohel David on Yuma, Sukah with Handwritten Glosses by the Author, the Gaon HaRav David Deutsch, Zt”l

Ohel David, chiddushim on various Masechtos, authored by the Gaon Rabbi David Deutsch, printed in Vienna, 1820. It includes chiddushim on Maseches Yuma, Sukah, chagigah and Pesochim.

Throughout the sefer, there are handwritten glosses and notes by the author on the margins, both short and lengthy.

The great Gaon Rabbi David Deutsch, author of Ohel David (1756–1831), was among the foremost gedolei rabbonim of Hungary, renowned worldwide for his exceptional kedusha. He served as Av Beis Din in several cities and, from 1810, in the city of Ir Chodosh. He was a prominent talmid of the Noda B’Yehuda, who frequently corresponded with him, including many teshuvos in Shu”T Noda B’Yehuda. Additionally, he was a close friend and colleague of Maran the Chasam Sofer, who wrote to him in an emotional letter (Shu”T Chasam Sofer, Yoreh De’ah, Siman 121), saying: "I am confident in your strong love that you will kindly remember me in your tefillos." In the introduction to Ohel David, the Chasam Sofer writes: "That tzaddik, kadosh Yisrael, gaon olam… fortunate are we to have merited his words and his light… and the merit of this tzaddik should stand to protect us from all harm, and to bless Klal Yisrael with the blessing of Hashem." He fought valiantly against the maskilim of his generation, particularly opposing the Shas printed by the maskilim at the Anton Schmidt press. His seforim include Ohel David on various masechtos in Shas.

Condition: Good to fair, with water stains on several pages, newly rebound in a luxurious leather cover.